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Payouts & Fees

Loop’s Creator Empowerment Technology as a Service (CETaaS)  Your All-in-One Monetization Platform


Ways to monetize on Loop:



Monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, and annual subscription options

(Creators set rates and discounts in their settings dashboard) 


Example: 2,000 paid subscribers @$5 per month will generate $84,000 annually      











Pay-per-view Posts

Creators can charge to allow fans and supporters to access individual posts.


Example: 2,000 individual posts paid at $2 per post will generate $2,800 for the Creator










Pay-per-view Image

Creators can charge to allow fans and supporters to access individual or multiple images and photos.


Example: 3,000 individual pay-per-views paid at $2 per post will generate $4,200 for the Creator.










Pay-per-view Video

Creators can charge to allow fans and supporters to access individual or multiple videos.


Example: 3,000 individual video posts paid at $2 per post will generate $4,200 for the Creator.











Pay-per-listen Podcasts

Creators can charge to allow fans and supporters to listen to their audio podcasts through branded posts.


Example: 2,000 individual posts paid at $1 per post will generate $1,400 for the Creator.









Pay-per-view Live Streaming Events

Creators can charge to allow fans and supporters to view live and archived audio streams or concert events.


Example: 2,500 individual viewers paid at $10 per person will generate $17,500 for the Creator.













Fans and supporters can tip and provide gratuities anytime on a Creator’s loop page, live event, or individual post. 


Example: 1,000 individuals paying $5 per tip will generate $3,500 for the Creator











Affiliation Partnership 

Our affiliate marketing network with over 750 affiliate marketing brands will be an additional revenue stream opportunity for Creators.


Example: a Creator refers 1,000 new signups with a children's savings platform that we partner with will generate $42,000 in affiliate earnings.












Loop Payout and Commissions

Platform Fee: 30% of all revenue generated. The 30% platform fee accounts for Loop's operating costs, underlying service fees, applicable taxes, and Loop's compensation. Subject to our Terms of Use.


Payout Calculation: 70% of all revenue generated.  Your payout is your earned revenue minus the platform fee, subject to our Terms of Use. Taxes, processing fees, and other costs may change with notice and may affect the platform distribution.

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